Peaceful phlegmatic personality pdf

It should be noted that all human beings have a degree of each of these four personality types. If you are filling out the pdf version, mark your boxes with the number 1 to auto calculate your totals. I believe these books will help accept yourself and your personality. Personality test taken from florence littauers personality plus. I was a little shocked at the answers, just because i know i have tendencies of all of them within certain situations, but i also realize the strong aspects of me being the peaceful phlegmatic personality type. Personality compatibility is not about being similar in nature, it is about being able to coexist in harmony. Temperament sets broad guidelines on everyones behavior, patterns which will influence a person as long as he lives. A comparative analysis on sanguine and phlegmatic students. Melton using the 16 personality types to create believable characters and dynamics within relationships abraham lincoln intp dwight d.

The ancient greeks thought a persons behavior was influenced by the amount of various fluids in their body. They are rarely flamboyant or dictatorial, but prefer cooperation and. Apr 08, 2014 they are very consistent, relaxed, rational, curious and observant, making them good administrators and diplomats. It will help you improve upon your strengths and aid upon your weaknesses.

The four temperaments have never been a part of modern medicine or psychological science, but remain fairly well known due to their use by selfhelp and spirituality authors. They are eager to please, and quick to give in to others rather than asserting their own desires as if theyre the most important. What kind of parent are you what kind of child do you have. However, when this person truly comes to know jesus christ as their. Many peaceful phlegmatics cant imagine they could possibly be offensive. Being open, friendly, confident, outgoing, optimistic, toughminded, task oriented, perfectionistic with a good mind for envisioning new projects, and an extrovert of a highly selective nature. By taking this test, you will see which personality you are. Shes enjoyable to be around, but is laid back and doesnt get too excited about much. The choleric is drawn to the peaceful, calm, and goodnatured phlegmatic, while the phlegmatic is drawn to the cholerics energy and takecharge temperament, the one who comes up with all the activities and moves the relationship along.

Supine on the other hand is energized by fear to prolong a delay of expression, and by a need of acceptance to. All basic, inborn temperaments are only tendencies and not stone carvings. Find links for the other personality types at the end of this post. The melancholy and phlegmatic personalitytypes are. A phlegmatic is a peaceful personeasygoing, happygolucky, the phlegmatic wants to stay out of trouble and get along with everybody. For example, he is able to positively affect and balance the active sanguine or watch the violent choleric and never catch the bad mood from the melancholic persons temperament can be recognized not. Join the eyt facebook support group on to confident choleric. Melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic temperament types figure 1. To the observer, the phlegmatic s are extremely slowpaced and stubborn.

The little things you forget the big four temperaments. Jun 01, 2011 ok, this is a short version of the career possibilities of all 4 personality types. Phlegmatic individuals tend to be relaxed, peaceful, quiet, and easygoing. The melancholy and phlegmatic personality types are more shy and. An overview of the four temperaments kindred grace. The doubledose of introversion, along with the melancholic tendency to negativity, makes it difficult for him to. Phlegmatic temperament in love and relationships psychologia. The temperament types are one of the oldest methods of determining your personality. Printable pdf version of this study there are reasons for everything we do as human beings, though it is often difficult for us to understand why we think like we think, feel like we feel, or act like we act in life. What is a phlegmatic personality type and signs that. Phlegmatic individuals are extremely efficient, and any monotonous longterm work can be carried out by them with high quality. Phlegmatic temperament is somewhere between the other temperaments. Upon ascertaining that ones temperament is either sanguine or phlegmatic one must. In a relationship, the phlegmatic sanguine is trueblue.

They are good in personnel work, in being parents, and in civic leadership, because they have the engaging humor and personality of popular sanguine and the. I might have awaken your appetite to know more about this. The four temperaments have never been a part of modern medicine or psychological science, but remain. There are four greek terms used to describe temperament phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, and melancholy. Peaceful phlegmatic submissive, indecisive, calm and introverted as unjudgmental, friendly and loyal are core traits they tend to have the same friends for a long time always putting others first, or complying when others are putting their own needs first excellent listeners who offer supportive feedback over criticism, and tend not to talk too much about. Ospp four temperaments test take a personality test. If you are phlegmatic then you are influenced by phlegm thick white. They are eager to please, and quick to give in to others rather than asserting their own desires as if. How to understand others by understanding yourself directions in each of the following rows of four words across, place an x in front of the one word that most often applies to you. This idea is perhaps one of the oldest that looks like a theory of personality. Phlegmatic individuals tend to be relaxed, peaceful. The phlegmatic at work competent and steady peaceful and agreeable has administrative ability mediates problems avoids conflicts good under pressure finds the easy way the phlegmatic as a friend easy to get along with pleasant and enjoyable.

Personality plus this tool is based upon four basic personality pro. A phlegmatic temperament is a laidback individual with underlying anxiety issues. English speaking skill, sanguine personality, and phlegmatic personality. Classic temperament and mbti type correlation eripedia. Of the four temperaments the phlegmatic is the coolest, calmest and most controlled, a really great soul and a good friend. Lets do a quick test you have 5 mins to do both pages of this test. What is a phlegmatic personality type and signs that this. Knowing and understanding these personality groups, or temperament types, may assist with interactions between yourself, coworkers and supervisors. They often strive for perfection within themselves and their surroundings, which leads to tidy and detailoriented behavior. For them to have any type of addiction would be rare. Personality plus by florence littauer and the spiritcontrolled temperament by tim lahaye. Phlegmatic people are meek, submissive introverts who live to please others. This is for you, about you and your answers belong to you.

This post puts the spotlight on the phlegmatic personality traits. Personality testing software cd for all windows platforms. Hippocrates linked the phlegmatic with phlegm, a body fluid that is thick, slowmoving and almost stagnant in nature. These may sound negative, but the phlegmatic temperament is the most peaceful and stable of all temperaments. The melancholy and phlegmatic personalitytypes are more shy and reserved and feel anxious about being in crowd, especially at being singledout in a crowd. There are several different theories of personality. They are very consistent, relaxed, rational, curious and observant, making them good administrators and diplomats. To the observer, the phlegmatics are extremely slowpaced and stubborn. Phlegmaticcholeric people also search for a perfect match, but can be toughminded and analytical at the same time.

Because of their tendency to uninvolvement, they are natural negotiators and diplomats. They are very consistent, relaxed, rational, curious and observant, making them good administrators. Ideal careers for phlegmatic personality types should be related to. The peaceful phlegmatic peaceful phlegmatics have lowkey strengths, so they have lowkey weaknesses. Choleric and phlegmatic this is a classic case of opposites attracting and is a common combination. Phlegmatic meaning in the cambridge english dictionary. How temperament type can influence your career cleverism. The four type labels she used echoed those first established by hippocrates 2,400 years ago. He may be slower to take on new projects, as the melancholic fear of new situations and tendency to perfectionism takes over. Like the sanguine personality, the phlegmatic has many friends, however the phlegmatic is more reliable and compassionate, typically making the phlegmatic a more dependable friend. Personality blends part 4, easy to like phlegmaticsanguine. Perfect melancholy is next at 14 points and peaceful phlegmatic is at 20 points. A choleric person is won by quiet explanation of reasons and motives.

He is likely to be a great listener, is willing to put others first, and has excellent mediatory skills. Take some time to reflect, try writing a beauty resume. You are a supportive friend and a cooperative employee. Peaceful best at staying calm and functional not overreacting to a negative situation. Peaceful phlegmatic tempers the ups and downs of popular sanguine, while popular sanguine personality brightens up peaceful phlegmatic. Jan 31, 2017 there are four greek terms used to describe temperament phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, and melancholy. People searching for careers for phlegmatics found the following information relevant and useful. Apr 18, 2017 there are four basic temperament types each of us it typically blend of two of the four. All features of the paper profile with instant scoring and unlimited use. Grant intj nikola tesla inventor douglas macarthur istj lise meitner intj. But before we look at the phlegmatic personality type in more detail, lets just have a quick recap of all. The phlegmatic is the most stubborn of all the temperaments when it comes to making changes. Posted in reading, tagged personality, phlegmatic, phlegmatics, strengths and weaknesses of a phlegmatic, temperaments on december 8, 2009 leave a comment.

Phlegmatics do not act as if they are better than others. Phlegmatic temperament in love and relationships the phlegmatic lover is the most sensitive of the four temperaments. At a very cursory level, phelgmatics are generally laid back and easygoing. Oct 18, 20 check out the easygoing phlegmatic temperament. Temperament as an indicator of language achievement eric. Strengths and weaknesses it is temperament that makes some people art and music enthusiasts while others are sports or industry minded. If you are an introvert, but still friendly and peopleloving, you are probably a phlegmatic personality. No one will be assessing it or judging you based on your answers. You dont need to avoid certain types of personality just because. It is not unreasonable to state that the worlds greatest feared dictators and diabolical criminals were perhaps choleric.

Phlegmatic choleric sanguine supine choleric extrovert this temperament is identified as the most powerful and destructive of the temperaments. It is not clear whether the phlegmatic temperament. The study of the human personality goes all the way back to the famous greek physician hippocrates 460370 bc, the father of medicine he was born during the prophetic ministries of nehemiah and malachi. Whether youre a popular sanguine, perfect melancholy, powerful choleric or peaceful phlegmatic, you will find out in a few minutes. A phlegmatic person does not usually get emotional or excited about things. In our distant past, the phlegmatic members of a pack might have been the obedient followers whod get much of the actual work done at the command of their superiors. Phlegmatics are generally calm and unemotional, selfcontent and kind, but their shy personality can inhibit enthusiasm in others and make themselves lazy and resistant to change. Personality blends part 4, easy to like phlegmaticsanguine ive been told by colleagues that this blend is everybodys favorite person. Theyre not hostile or hold any type of unforgiveness as peace at all cost is their motto of life. The 16 temperament and personality types described in ptypes are classified in groups of four under ernst kretschmers hyperesthetic, anesthetic, depressive, and hypomanic temperaments. He insisted that mood and emotions depended on an excess or lack of those fluids in peoples bodies. The same with work where carefulness and thoroughness are required. Career fits for all personalities the choice driven life.

The functionality of four temperaments and communication theories towards the realisation of peaceful general elections in kenya article pdf available april 2012 with 5,743 reads how we. This personality type has a certain model of behavior that never changes. The phlegmatic is peaceful person, bornfollower, likes harmony and rest. Hottempered, a people user, although everyone uses people to some degree, the choleric in carries the red flag. The emotional stability of phlegmatic can be useful in fields requiring calm analysis and decisionmaking skills. They are the cooks, the cleaners, the quiet office drones, the redshirts, the white mages. Generally, all phlegmatic types value marriage and it is their ultimate goal in a relationship. Fullcolor, selfexplanatory worksheets, and a personality profile. The four temperaments david keirseys temperament theory extends the scheme laid down by hippocrates, galen, and kretschmer. Your temperament type affects your appearance and your personality.

Hippocrates talked about individuals possession of certain fluids also. Phlegmatic is so because it lacks the energy to express much i. Spiritual personalities, part 4 phlegmatic of all the personality types, the whatever goes phlegmatic probably is the one who has the easiest time embracing god and christianity. The terms sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic were coined by the greek physician aelius galenus to describe the effect of these humors on human behavior. You can read the article about your own unique personality type by clicking here the cheerful sanguines enrich the world with their natural charisma, thats for sure. The ospp four temperaments scale o4ts is a free and opensource measure designed to match the taker to one of the four temperaments. Being the personality that most seeks peace, the peace offered by faith in jesus christ fits well in this easygoing persons life. Strengths and weaknesses temperament counseling, inc.

See more ideas about personality types, temperament types and mbti. One recognized by psychologists is that of the four basic personality groups. The bestseller that focuses on understanding your own personality. Sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholic personality types today, there is no shortage of personality type theories, and our pages on personality types and tests are among the most popular pages on this site. The phlegmatic goes through life doing as little as possible, quietly, and expending little energy.

Upon completion, personality plus reveals how your unique blend of traits effects your emotions, work performance, and your relationships. The functionality of four temperaments and communication theories towards the realisation of peaceful general elections in kenya article pdf available. The phlegmaticmelancholic type is great at managing people, as well as very sympathetic and tactful. Where powerful choleric lays his strengths right out before you, so his faults are obvious and out in the open.

They are very much into charity and helping others. Someone with a pure choleric temperament is usually a goaloriented person. Pdf the functionality of four temperaments and communication. The four types are the popular sanguine, the perfect melancholy, the powerful choleric, and the peaceful phlegmatic. Communication theory towards the realization of peaceful elections in kenya. The phlegmatic is the only temperament the choleric is unable to control which frustrates the choleric tremendously. The four personalities phlegmatic melancholy keyword popular best at. Jul 12, 2017 phlegmatic relaxed and peaceful this classification comes from hippocrates who believed the concept of humorism and incorporated those four temperaments into four bodily fluids humors affecting human behaviors and personality traits. Personality blends part 4, easy to like phlegmatic.

The phlegmaticcholeric couple is a good example to demonstrate that you dont have to be a similar temperament or personality type in order to be happy together. This blend is the best of all in dealing with people. When they are with their potential partners, phlegmatic people seek for common intellectual and emotional ground, which will serve as a bridge from heart to heart. The peaceful phlegmatic is an introvert, a pessimist and a watcher. They also have a tendency to be lazy not being critical as i myself have a phlegmatic te.

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